Journey Around the Sun

Journey Around the Sun - Album - Strunz & Farah

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  1. Raggle Taggle
  2. Night Jasmine
  3. Journey Around the Sun
  4. Amber and Musk
  5. Morpho
  6. Jamilah
  7. Valsito
  8. The Hare
  9. Paseos


Jorge Strunz and Ardeshir Farah: Guitars
Rob Hardt: Flute, Clarinet
Keyavash Nourai: Kamancheh
Eliseo Borrero: Bass
Carlos del Puerto: Bass
Ali Tavallali: Tombek and Tambourine
Jimmy Branly: Cajon, percussion
Majeed Ghorbanian: Tombek and Tambourine
Luis Conte: Congas, percussion

Strunz & Farah